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Bespoke & Custom Orders


Bespoke and Custom Orders

Starting from a few lines on a piece of paper, I've been sketching and trying to give shape to your ideas since that first order back in 2015 when all this started.


I love to hear from you and work hand by hand with customers from all around the world, giving life into a piece of wood, antler or steel until it becomes what you were dreaming of and my pencils are always sharped and ready so... what do you have on mind?

How it works?

Well, when talking about a bespoke or custom order the first is to talk about it and figure out what do you have on mind. Don't matter if a knife, a wooden kuksa or even a shield painted with the colours of your clan we can have a wee chat about it and then I'll make a few sketches. It usually takes me a couple of days so I can make myself an idea about how long it will takes me to do it, the materials needed and the price. Once we've agreed on a price it will be definitive unless you want to add or modify something at the last minute. In general, I usually ask for half of that amount at the time of placing the order and the rest, along with shipping costs at the end of the order.


About me and Seiðr Art

I love to work hand by hand with other craftsmen and one of the most hardworking, dedicated and lovely of them is Seiðr Art.

Together we've made the FORN wax to protect and take care of the blades, wood from the handles and leather sheats from your custom knives and I also make the combs, stands, spoons and a lot more from her beard care kits among others.
I encourage you to take a look at her profile and see for yourselves what she is capable of.

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